Who we are

This is a charity association.
The objects of the association are to raise funds to bring children affected by the Fukushima nuclear accident to Cairns for an intercultural program.
To strengthen Japan-Australia intercultural understanding and explore sustainable possibilities for the future.
To support the disaster area and bring smile to children and adults in the stressful situation in Japan and in the world. 
To cooperate with other organisations in Australia and Japan with similar objectives.
Smile with Kids brings together the local community in Cairns with children of Fukushima to create a world where children can live, grow and have a say in shaping our futures.
We began with the intent to support the children of Fukushima, who have had to face the tumultuous aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake or the triple disaster of earthquakes, tsunami and the nuclear accident on March 11, 2011.
Run by volunteers, we partner with individuals, communities and local businesses in Cairns to create opportunities for children of Fukushima to play freely in nature; express freely their concerns, hopes and dreams; and expand their horizons about the world.
Every year, we invite junior high school students living in Fukushima to participate in the Cairns Refreshment Camp. During the camp, children experience homestays with local families, overnight farm stay, local school visits, and enjoy the Great Barrier Reef, Kuranda rainforests, Paronella Park and more.
We also organise Japan Day of Hope, an annual charity event that raises awareness about the disaster and raises funds towards supporting the children of Fukushima to participate in the annual Cairns Refreshment Camp.
During the Covid pandemic (2020-2021), we launched a movie, “2021 Japan Day of Hope: 10 years on” and have been hosting monthly Zoom catch ups with children of Fukushima who are yet to visit Cairns.
For expressions of interest, please contact: smilewithkids8@gmail.com